About Us

We provide Premium Massage Experiences for our Clients

At Inductor of Healing Wellness Center we focus on your well-being and concentrate on promoting the body’s natural self-healing process. We use natural oils and creams tor relax your muscles and relieve tension.

Our goal is to help alleviate your pain and prevent it from coming back. We understand that each body displays different patterns so we adjust to your body type while we listen and work with you without judgment.

Our Philosophy

Our intention is to have a practice where all types of therapists can exercise their duties of healing and lifestyle improvement whether with massage, yoga, personal training, nutrition, etc. We are a community based company and are committed to making a difference by creating new jobs here in the United States and in Africa, particularly Togo. We are aiming to expand in other countries as well.

Our Purpose

Inductor of Healing offers a holistic and unique type of therapy. We provide bodywork and clinical therapy massage for children, adults, and seniors.

We focus on your wellbeing and concentrate on promoting the body’s natural self-healing by customizing the type of work for your body. We understand your body displays different patters and we adjust to your body type.

Our therapists will listen and work with you without judgment and guarantee professional work during your sessions with us. Whether you need to schedule an appointment or are looking for more information, we are here for you. Call us today at +228 90 62 14 92.

Stress Stops Here

We do not take our purpose in life lightly. We are here for a reason and we will fulfill the destiny of our calling here on earth. Inductor of Healing welcomes all communities and encourages everyone to try a new form of therapy where we combine all types of techniques to suit your body’s needs. You will find Thai, Tai Na, Cupping, etc in our treatment procedures.

We believe our way of treatment is an art. Our focus is range of motion (ROM). Less sever cases will recover within two sessions, whereas more severe cases may require an additional few sessions for proper healing. Once you body is back to normal, we recommend massage as preventative care.

To speak with our team or to schedule an appointment, call us today at +228 90 62 14 92 or email us at inductorofhealingtg@gmail.com.